PM Modi wants to making India Hindu nation : George Soros

At the World Economic Forum, American billionaire social activist George Soros targeted PM Narendra Modi and said he wanted to make India a Hindu nation. He also criticized the Modi government for removing Section 370 and the citizenship law in Kashmir, saying that he is taking punitive measures (removing Article 370) in Kashmir, a semi-autonomous Muslim region. At the same time, due to the decisions of the government (Citizenship Amendment Act), millions of Muslims living there have become citizenship crisis. According to the report, Soros also said that Modi took punitive measures on ‘a Muslim-majority semi-autonomous Kashmir, and is threatening to deprive millions of Muslims of their citizenship.
In the coming years, the fate of US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping will determine the direction of the world. Currently, there are rulers like Vladimir Putin, Trump and Jinping dictators. The rulers who hold power are increasing. Right now we are going through a phase of change of history. The concept of open society is under threat. George Soros also discussed his important project at the World Economic Forum. He said that now the most important project of my life is Open Society University Network (OSUN). It is a platform in which people from all the universities of the world will be able to do research.