Coronavirus : Air India suspends flights on Delhi-Shanghai route from Jan 31 to Feb 14

New Delhi
Air India spokesperson said the national carrier is suspending its flights on Delhi-Shanghai route from January 31 to February 14. “And for our operating crew, we are ensuring that they return to India on the inbound flights without any layover in China,” the low-cost carrier said in a statement. According to an Air India official, all crew members working on flights between India and South East Asia have been asked to wear N95 masks.
In India, many people are under observation in hospitals for suspected coronavirus infection including in Maharashtra, Goa, Odisha and the national capital. People returning to the country after visiting China are being regularly screened for the deadly virus at airports across the country. Novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a large family of viruses that causes illnesses ranging from common cold to acute respiratory syndromes. The virus, which has killed 132 people and affected at least 6,000 others in China, is a novel strain not seen before.