WHO declared novel coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern

The World Health Organization on Thursday declared the Karona virus an international emergency. This has been done so that international coordination can be organized to deal with this disease. WHO Chief Tedros Adenom has stated that the biggest concern is to prevent the spread of the virus in countries where health systems are weak. At the same time, he made it clear that doing so is nothing like mistrust of China, but the effort is to help other countries which cannot overcome it.
Tedros said, ‘Together we must stop it from spreading further. We can just stop it together. ‘ Tredros visited China last week and met with President Xi Jinping. Trados said that in recent times there has been a ban on traveling or trading. There is no need for them. Let us tell that many countries have asked their citizens not to go to Wuhan. Many countries have also banned people coming from Wuhan. Russia has also closed its eastern border with China.
The Emergency Committee of the WHO has said that blocking the movement of people or goods does not affect and help from other places and technical support. It also affects the economy of the affected countries. However, the committee said that stopping people in certain circumstances can also benefit for some time.
The WHO did not declare it an emergency last week as it was unable to establish a consensus within the committee. Let us know that till now about 7700 people are in the grip of this virus and almost all are in China. Of these, 170 people have died. The WHO has reported that the virus is growing in Germany, Japan, the United States and Vietnam, and so far 82 cases have been reported in 18 countries.
The law to declare public health emergency in the event of a disease or pandemic came in 2007 and WHO has declared it 5 times since then. The WHO had to make this announcement due to swine flu, polio, zika and twice the Ebola virus in Africa. The situation will be assessed three months after this announcement. With this help, the WHO will be able to issue guidelines to the international community, which will be followed by tackling this serious problem.