21 new covid-19 cases in Andhra Pradesh

- Doctors and police staff to get incentives for their work during the ongoing pandemic in Telangana
- In AP, of the total 132 cases, both Guntur and Nellore districts have the highest cases at 20 each
HYDERABAD : A day after Andhra Pradesh (AP) reported 67 new covid-19 cases, 21 more people tested positive for the virus on Thursday, with the total tally standing at 132.
However, it was not ascertained if all the new cases are linked to people who attended the religious gathering at the Markaz Nizamuddin in Delhi last month. AP, which had fewer cases compared to its neighbour Telangana initially, has almost the same number of cases due to the sudden surge.
According to a media bulletin issued by the AP government on at 10 a.m. on Thursday, of the total 132 cases, both Guntur and Nellore districts had the highest cases at 20 each. Guntur city in fact has a considerable number of Muslims (believed to be around 20%). Till date, the state government has collected samples of over 700 people who had gone to Delhi to attend the meeting at the Markaz Nizamuddin and people who were in contact with them.