Tripura mechanic designs bike maintaining social distance

It is said necessity is the mother of invention. It has come true during this COVID-19 lockdown period in Tripura. Partha Saha, a mechanic by profession made a battery run bike which has the distance of one meter between the rider and pillion-rider. Partha Saha along with his daughter is now enjoying a ride in the bike. Partha Saha is from Pal Para of Aralia in Agartala town. Partha Saha said with the lockdown going on, the whole world is suffering from COVID-19. And everybody is stressing to maintain social distance. Partha said, “Since long time I was thinking to make a bike which will maintain the social distance among the two persons, who will be riding it.”
“And one thing was in my mind that how can I go outside with my daughter while maintaining physical distance. Now me and my daughter use it. We go outside with this bike,” he added. He said, he required one motor of 750 watt and lithium battery. Partha said he spend one day to make it. The bike takes two to three hours for its charging and can go up to 80 kilometers after one time charge, claimed Partha. Partha’s mother Mira Saha is also happy after watching the achievement of her son. She told that, her son had an affection with mechanical instruments since his childhood.