Nagaland private schools to consider fee waiver

Nagaland private schools to consider fee waiver
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The All Nagaland Private Schools’ Association (ANPSA) has agreed to consider the fee waiver for students whose parents fall within the lower strata of the economic set-up. The private schools will particularly consider the cases of the daily wage earners and employees of private establishments. The fee waiver will be considered on a case-to-case basis, the Naga Students Federation (NSF) said. The ANPSA has urged the parents, who are facing difficulties in clearing the school fees of their ward (s) to come forward along with the students and avail the same, the NSF said.

The NSF in a statement said they discussed the issue of fee waiver at a meeting with the ANPSA in Kohima on June 15. At the meeting, the NSF also raised the issue of the teachers serving in various private schools, who are facing lots of hardships due to the non-payment of salaries by the school authorities.Having come to a logical understanding of the various issues confronting the students and the teaching community, the NSF appealed to those parents who can well afford to pay the school fees on time so that the schools can carry forth its duty of imparting education in a judicious manner.



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