Meghalaya Police shut down two police outposts

The Meghalaya Police department has temporarily shut down two outposts on Saturday. The outposts, which were shut down in Meghalaya, are Nongmensong police outpost and Saipung police outpost. The decision to temporarily close down the Nongmensong outpost in Shillong under East Khasi Hills comes after the police officials of the outpost came into close proximity to a secondary contact of a COVID19 positive patient while discharging their official duties.
The Saipung police outpost in East Jaintia Hills district has been shut down after one constable tested positive for COVID19 on Friday. Meghalaya Police spokesperson Gabriel Iangrai said swab samples of all the police personnel posted in Nongmensong and Saipung have been collected and sent for testing and the outcome of the tests is awaited.
“Officials of the two outposts have been sent for medical screening and for risk assessment. All of them have been asked to keep themselves into self quarantine,” Iangrai said. He informed that both these outposts will remain closed until the entire premises are disinfected as per the laid-down protocols, and to prevent further exposure.
Meanwhile the general people, residing within the jurisdiction of Nongmensong outpost, have been requested to approach the Rynjah police station in case of any exigent requirement or assistance, until the outpost is declared fit for re-occupation.