Nagaland COVID-19 update

DIMAPUR, APRIL 4 (MExN): 45 samples of suspected cases have been sent for testing from Nagaland as of 5:00pm April 4, and 41 have returned negative for COVID-19. The results of 4 samples are awaited. This was informed by the Nagaland Principal Secretary for Home, Abhijit Sinha during a briefing today.
He meanwhile informed that 3490 persons have registered in the ncovid-19 Nagaland App with full details. He urged all those who entered the State after March 6 to self register with full details. Sinha also asked that if there is anyone from Nagaland who has attended the religious congregation at Nizamuddhin, Delhi, and not yet contacted by the government, to voluntarily come forward and report to the respective Deputy Commissioner.
The availability of essential goods and commodities remains comfortable, he assured, while urging all to stay at home except for buying food and other essential goods. He further informed that farmers who have to come out for farming activities and farm works are allowed to do so during the lockdown period, but urged the farmers to maintain social distancing. He meanwhile informed that the All Nagaland Counsellors Association (ANCA) has till now provided 13 counselling sessions through the phone.