Eradicating child labour for a better Assam

“I am a poor man, never went to school and have spent my life unloading goods from trucks and carts for grocery stores and vegetable markets. I was scared, some day my children will also end up like this, to earn a living. But the street play you all performed has imbibed in me a hope and sense of responsibility. I shall see to it that my children, and children of my fellow labourers, never become victim of child labour.”
These words came as a reward for me, from a daily wage earner at the Pandu Ghat market in the suburbs of Guwahati city, during a campaign against child labour, carried out by Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA), in collaboration with the District Child Protection Unit, Kamrup Metro, in June 2019.
In the past, and also following days and months, BBA, in collaboration with Department of Labour, Education, Assam State Legal Services Authority and Social welfare; carried out many awareness programmes on child rights, using folk media like puppetry and street play in some, while simple interactive methods in others, in remote villages and semi-urban localities.