Contact tracing of COVID19 positive BSF personnel continues in Meghalaya

Contact tracing of COVID19 positive BSF personnel continues in Meghalaya
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Contact tracing of three Border Security Force (BSF) personnel, who tested positive for COVID19 is still on. Three BSF personnel tested positive for COVID19 in Meghalaya in the last few days.The director of Meghalaya health services, Dr Aman War on Monday said contact tracing from the side of the BSF is on as well as from the side of the surveillance team of the state health department. The BSF troopers are asymptomatic and they have been admitted to the isolation ward of the Composite BSF Hospital in Shillong.

On June 26, a BSF trooper tested positive.He returned to the state from Bihar on June 23. On June 28, two BSF troopers tested positive for COVID19, taking the total tally to 50 in the state. On June 20, an army man, who returned to the Assam Regimental Centre Headquarters in Shillong from Guwahati recently, also tested positive for COVID19. The state now has 7 active positive cases while 42 patients have recovered. The deadly disease has claimed the life of the state’s first positive patient.

Meghalaya health minister AL Hek informed that out of 19,287 samples sent for test, 18,657 samples yielded negative results while the results of 580 tests are awaited. Meanwhile, so far, 18,823 citizens, who remained stranded in various parts of the country, have returned to Meghalaya. Transportation arranged by the state government on payment basis will continue till July 15. The arrangement for transportation that should be paid by the returnees has started from June 11.



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