PAC of Naga Council Dimapur vows to end illegal taxation

The Public Action Committee (PAC) of the Naga Council Dimapur vowed to put a total stop to all illegal taxation by the multitude of groups who collect money in the name of Naga nationalism.
Miffed at the rampant collection of illegal tax by the many Naga political groups, the PAC of the Naga Council Dimapur organised a consultative meeting with representatives of tribal women hohos and student leaders at Tourist Lodge in Dimapur on Saturday.
At the meeting, PAC convener Vekhosayi Nyekha highlighted the problem of multiple taxation and said the prices of commodities in the State have skyrocketed and become unsustainable.
Nyekha said the PAC, by putting a stop to illegal collections, will help reduce prices of commodities.
“In case, it does not result in price reduction, we will look into the business community,” he added.
The PAC made its stand clear that it was not against ceasefire of the different groups with the government of India but added that the NPGs have been taking advantage of the relative peace and normalcy to expand their taxation base.
In this regard, the PAC said they would, with support from its 19 constituent tribal organisations, gather around 40 to 50 volunteers and depute them at all check gates.
Volunteers will also be deployed at brick kilns in and around Dimapur to tackle the rampant illegal tax collections by the NPGs.
The PAC also said multiple government agencies/departments, including police, were collecting tax at check gates and added that it would not allow such collections any longer.
The PAC was scheduled to hold another meeting on Monday noon to further deliberate on their plan of action.