Govt. examining social security for teachers

Meghalaya Education Minister, Lahkmen Rymbui on Tuesday told the Assembly that the state government is examining the recommendations of the Fifth Pay Commission on social security for teachers and non-teaching staff of the deficit system or grant-in-aid educational institutions in the state.
Replying to a call attention moved by opposition member from Nongpoh, Mayralborn Syiem on the issue related to deficit school teachers during the Assembly, the Education Minister said, “The department is examining these proposals and shall address the grievances most appropriately in consultation with the finance, planning, law and personnel department to understand the nature of the service and also the consequent budget implications,”
He also mentioned that the deficit school teachers have from time to time submitted memorandum to the department with regard to extension of retirement benefit scheme, regular and monthly salary, raising of death-cum retirement gratuity (DCRG), pending arrears pay, exemption of graduate.He, however, underscored government’s contribution to the deficit institutions, which has to a large extent complied with the recommendations.
He said altogether the salary expenses of 2190 deficit and deficit pattern schools and 7093 teachers and non-teaching staff, which entails an annual expenditure of Rs 418 crore, is completely borne by the state government.He said deficit teaching and non-teaching staffs are entitled to the scale of pay at par with government teachers, with no pension facilities but with DCRG & CPF facility at 8% of the basic pay per head per month contributed by the state government.
The minister also brought to the notice of the House that the recruitment policy and service rules of the deficit teachers are governed and administered by the school managing committee (SMC) with due approval of the directorate of school education & literacy (DSEL).