Botanical Survey of India Scientists Discover Two New Types of Ginger from Nagaland

Two new species of Zingiber, commonly referred to as gingers have been discovered from Nagaland by the scientists from the Botanical Survey of India (BSI). Zingiber perenense has been discovered from the Peren district of Nagaland, while Zingiber dimapurense was found in the Dimapur district of the State, reported The Hindu.
Of the two species, Zingiber dimapurense is taller, with leafy shoots measuring 90-120 cm high, whereas the leafy shoots of Zingiber perenense reach up to 70 cm.
Zingiber dimapurense
The lip of the flower (modified corolla) for Zingiber dimapurense is white in colour, with dense dark- purplish red blotches. Its pollen is a creamy-white and ovato-ellipsoidal, whereas the fruit is an oblong 4.5 cm-5.5 cm long capsule.
The specimen of Zingiber dimapurense was collected in October 2016 from the Hekese village forest under the Medziphema subdivision. Some rhizomes of this plant collected along with field data were planted in the Botanical Survey of India’s Eastern Regional Centre garden in Shillong, where itself they began flowering in June 2018, reported the daily.
Zingiber dimapurense
The lip of the flower (modified corolla) for Zingiber dimapurense is white in colour, with dense dark- purplish red blotches. Its pollen is a creamy-white and ovato-ellipsoidal, whereas the fruit is an oblong 4.5 cm-5.5 cm long capsule.
The specimen of Zingiber dimapurense was collected in October 2016 from the Hekese village forest under the Medziphema subdivision. Some rhizomes of this plant collected along with field data were planted in the Botanical Survey of India’s Eastern Regional Centre garden in Shillong, where itself they began flowering in June 2018, reported the daily.