Mizoram holds legislators’ dialogue on climate change adaptation

A legislators’ dialogue on Climate Change Adaptation was organized at the Assembly Annex Conference Hall in Aizawl on Saturday. Members of the State’s Legislative Assembly as well as councillors from AMC and commissioners and secretaries from different departments took part in the discussion. Chief minister Zoramthanga who was invited as chief guest spoke on the occasion. He said economic development should not come at the cost of the environment. “Development policies can actually go hand in hand with environmental protection and climate change adaptation,” he added. The dialogue was jointly organized by the government of Mizoram and the Integrated Mountain Initiative (IMI), alongwith the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme (IHCAP) and Mizoram Sustainable Development Foundation (MSDF). It also brought to light that Mizoram is one of the most vulnerable State to global warming. Records have shown erratic rainfall pattern and volume, instances of violent winds, a sharp decrease in forest cover area, increase in vector borne diseases which were previously not recorded, changes in flora and fauna pattern and so on. Lalrinliana Sailo, Speaker of the House who hosted the dialogue spoke of the State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) made by the State in line with the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) to adapt to climate change and how these are integrated with the state’s flagship programme – SEDP. Minister of Environment Forest & Climate Change T J Lalnuntluanga further discussed about the multi-pronged approach under the SAPCC which touches upon agriculture, sustainable Himalayan mission, green mission, sustainable habitat, health, solar mission and renewable energy sector, energy efficiency, water, and strategic knowledge mission to efficienctly adapt to climate change. Fanty Jaswal IRS (Rtd), Secretary IMI, Divya Mohan, science officer, IHCAP also spoke on the occasion. They emphasized on the need for coordination of policies for effective climate change adaptation. Prof Lalnuntluanga, vice president, MSDF and member of the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority gave a presentation on the theme of the dialogue which was followed by a discussion. PCCF Dr Ch Muralidhar Rao ended the programme with a vote of thanks.