95 persons apprehended for drinking alcohol on beaches in N Goa in last 2 months
The tourist police in North Goa apprehended around 95 persons as they were found drinking alcohol on the beaches in the last two months.
The fine for a person found drinking in public places is Rs 2,000 while for a group it is Rs 10,000.
In the last two years, there were around 66 such cases pertaining to drinking on the beach while this year in 2 months there have been 95 such cases. The persons caught are handed over to the concerned police station for necessary action. Those indulging in unauthorised activities on the beach such as tattoo makers, masseurs, hawkers, touts, beggars, jewelry sellers, water sports related and also drinking are handed over to the local police for necessary action.
The North Goa tourist police unit comprises around 50 IRBn police personnel. It is headed (additional charge) by Edwin Colaco, the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) North Goa police headquarters.
According to the information, from 2018 till February 2020, the North Goa tourist police have reported around 1,855 incidents to the concerned police for necessary action wherein persons were found indulging in unauthorised activities on the beach.
With an idea to have professional approach towards tourist police, Colaco has proposed before the Department of Tourism for a special tourist assistance unit under the Goa police. Currently, there is a tourist police unit, one in North Goa and another in South Goa.
Colaco said that there is a need to have professional approach towards tourist police.
“Tourists police are the first point of contact with tourist on the beaches. They should be imparted soft skills and there should be also option to learn Indian as well as foreign languages,” said Colaco.