Assam revises COVID-19 management and discharge protocols

Assam revises COVID-19 management and discharge protocols
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COVID-19 management and discharge protocols in Assam have been revised, according to which asymptomatic patients will now be discharged after 14 days. As per the new protocols, a COVID-19 patient will be discharged from the hospital if he/she has completed 14 days in the hospital from the date of collection of his/her first swab sample.

However, such a patient will have to undergo strict home quarantine for 14 days. The new protocols, however, come with the conditions that the concerned individual does not have a fever, he/she is asymptomatic and his/her oxygen saturation is not below 95 per cent.

“The district administration will ensure that the home quarantine in such cases is strictly enforced for the entire period of 14 days, following the discharge,” the protocol further stated. It’s worth mentioning here that until now all positive cases in Assam have been managed in hospitals.


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