Swami’s teachings more relevant today

Lecture on 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Speech in Chicago organised at Accuprec Research Labs
Ahmedabad: “Teachings of Swami Vivekananda are more relevant today than September 11, 1893 when he had addressed the World Religious conference at Chicago to give a clarion call for ‘universal brotherhood’. Swami’s teachings would keep us close to their cultural roots. Swami Vivekananda said in his inaugural speech at Chicago in 1893, ours is a country that has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance.”
This was Swami Prabhusevananda Maharaj and Swami Gaurikantananda Maharaj from Ramakrishna Math, Rajkot at Accuprec Research Labs Pvt. Ltd. while delivering lecture in 8th Accupulse series. All staff members learned a lot from the Motivational guidance. Dr. Manish Rachchh, Director & CEO of Accuprec ResearchLab welcomed both the Swamiji & explained the aim of the lecture to the staff members. Shri Mayur Kandoriya, Director & CMO and Dr. Rina Gokani, Director & CSO were also present on the occasion.