Immunity passports for coronavirus may lead to discrimination

As countries scramble to stem the spread of Covid-19, the debate over ‘immunity passports’ is intensifying with some governments pushing for documents that certify a person immune and several experts saying the claim would not just be specious but also lead to discrimination and “intentional” cases.With a vaccine several months, if not a year, away, the proposal for a document to certify that an individual has been infected and therefore immune to SARS-CoV-2, which causes the infection, is centre-stage of discussion as the world navigates its way out of the pandemic.
Looking for ways out of the restrictive physical distancing measures imposed to control the spread of the novel coronavirus, several governments, including Chile, Germany, Italy, the UK and the US, have suggested the use of ‘immunity passports’.Individuals in possession of an ‘immunity passport’ could be exempt from physical restrictions and may return to work, school and daily life.
“An ‘immunity passport’ is a certification that would mark an individual immune to SARS-CoV-2 infection,” virologist Upasana Ray told PTI.The rationale behind certifying people immune is the production and presence of antibodies against the virus, Ray, a senior scientist at the Kolkata-based CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB), explained.
India, however, has been more cautious in its approach.”There is no evidence yet that a person infected with COVID-19 cannot get the infection again. There are reports from South Korea of re-infections, so providing ‘immunity passports’ on the basis of SARS-COv-2 antibodies in the blood isn’t feasible,” Manoh Murhekar, director of ICMR’s National Institute of Epidemiology in Chennai, told PTI.