Another name on the altar of Satyav Satyaki: Murari Bapu

Another name on the altar of Satyav Satyaki: Murari Bapu
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Most people in northern India know Muraribapu as a narrator or a narrator. Sometimes wrong thinking or any form of Saajo Tejtevirthe format makes the entire personality of Pujya Muraribapu look without knowing. Therefore, it is also very necessary and necessary to know many aspects of Bapu’s life. People coming to his stories either listen to his narrative discourses. But some people like to enjoy perverse enjoyment of others who are either out of reach. The number of them is increasing due to social media. Some people post their false identities on YouTube, Instagram and post some similar posts so that they get maximum views. This is equal to calling humanity either against human values ​​and unrighteousness.

Murari Bapu is presenting as a creative responsibility by highlighting and highlighting the seven major aspects of life. In the global world, he has to be understood as a yogi who gives life to religion. If we misunderstand or promote wrong thinking, then we are making the mistake that we are not able to do anything good but taking the eternal sin of burying the good by favoring untruth.

The first aspect of Bapu’s life is simplicity. He never emphasized on physicality, either eating or drinking or showing off in life. Keeping this ideal of Gandhi’s life, he wears Khadi ever since he started recognizing it. Today he is known all over the world in terms of narrative discourse. Even today he lives in his native village Talgajarda, which is near Mahua in Gujarat. It is possible to meet them every day. Every morning and evening people meet in their Chitrakoot Ashram. And even if someone wants to keep any money from someone in the ashram, they are not accepted. And the same arrangement has been made for all the people there, also tell that they do not have any private secretary.

Neither do they have any separate sect or sect. They belong to Sanatani sect and many times they have said and this has been a great help in uniting this tradition. And it is also important to know that Bapu has dedicated his service to humanity instead of increasing temples. Emphasized the temple education institute of Arogya, got crores of grants. Even then, they keep themselves most involved. Sanatani Human Religion takes us towards a goal that the human being is at the top and is the abode of God in them. Whatever the religion, whether it is Islam or Christianity, any religion, religion, denomination of the sect is in their mandate He defends himself in an attitude of repentance. Whatever he is to the East, he wishes to break their reverence among them. There is no reason in Bapu’s diary at all.

Another fast of Gandhi is Aparigraha, Bapu does not keep anything with him, nor does anyone think it is appropriate to take any advantage of narrative discourse from him or any other way. No saint in the world today There may be those who are refusing to keep even ₹ 1 at their feet or any other way !!! Murari Bapu is doing that !! His ashram in his native village is also not very big at all. It is not his nature to collect any thing or thing. Even today, people who come to and from his ashram for small and big pleas keep sharing their love with them. Not only this, Bapu has taken the initiative by extending his hand in every trouble in the country and the world. Everyone knows that.

Another thing and the fourth aspect is that no person is small or big with them, everyone gets the same love from them. There are also many such incidents in his life which Bapu has depicted while showing his personal nature, showing compassion to those who are suffering. Knowing the suffering of the deprived all over India, whether it is eunuch, female, wandering or backward castes make a lot of effort for them through narrative, either to bring them a good place in the mainstream of society or to win respect. Bapu’s role is not small.

Those who belong to Gujarat know that Gujarati literature and Sanskrit literature on their behalf have been greatly served by Asmita festival and Sanskrit festival programs. Not only this, many people of our art world have goodwill, Hanumant and others. Awards are also given. The work which the government should do to either literary institutions, Bapu has done for many years without any personal motive.

The last point of his life is Rama and Roti. He has completed more than 800 stories today and wherever he narrates whether it is India or Europe, America, Africa, he does not survive by feeding bread. He is in Kathiawar. There is a saying Rotalo Tyra Prabhu pieces Sadavrat is also kept in Bapu’s ashram. Nobody goes back hungry from their house. Ramkatha is his life and after sitting till the time he is on Vyas Gadi, whether it is three hours or four, he does not even get up and does not drink water. He has his rules which are known as Rama rituals. Ramakatha has been the main subject of his discourse, yet you keep discussing and communicating other texts as well.

Muraribapu is from the Nimbarki tradition. And that tradition represents Krishna in a prominent form. We have Hindutva but it is Hindutva who wants us to see all religions as equal. And they keep seeing God in every human being. By rising above the orthodox tradition, we are far ahead in this ideology which is less visible in other religions. There is a lot of discussion about this in our scriptures and they also communicate why should we condemn other religions by giving prominence to our religion, religion? This is not our work, Hinduism is not what others try, Give pain to others, make it difficult for others to live, resist, spread violence, that is not in our religion.

The number of people who change the interpretation of Hindutva and promote bigotry is increasing day by day. She can pose a great threat to our nation. Why can’t we learn from America or other countries that if a black man is killed by the police, then all the police of America put down their arms, apologizing for this mistake. Is their communicability. Now we have to understand that there are many people of other religions in our country, due to which the discrepancy will lead us to?

By the way, Bapu does not want any dispute arising out of his speaking or living. If he goes, he apologizes. Even today, he does not want to hurt anyone’s heart any small and big. Therefore, whenever such a topic comes, then Poojyashree has put forward his side by taking God forward and in many cases he has been saying that I am a good I am a small saint, human beings do not have any motive to take great respect for themselves on any big post either.

And they share love and compassion to everyone, that is Murari Bapu. Still, we have to say that this society or worldview is giving a lot of trouble to the people walking on the path of truth. Poisoned Socrates and shot Gandhi, so what is Murari Bapu in it? How can he leave this world too! So we will be able to say that another name Muraribapu is being added to the altar of Samvat Satyaki and Bapu’s eyes become moist. Their compassion is increasing.

It is good to be late there, but there is never any hope of darkness.

– Takhubhai Sandasur (Velavadar)

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