Pakistan PM Imran Khan approves OGRA to fuel prices hike

Pakistan PM Imran Khan approves OGRA to fuel prices hike
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Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved the recommendations of the Oil and Gas Development Authority (OGRA) and approved the increase in petrol prices by Rs 5.15 per liter. After this, now the price of petrol in Pakistan is Rs 117.83 per liter. According to the report, the federal government has increased prices of all petroleum products for the month of August.

The price of petrol has been increased by Rs 5.15 per liter and the price of high speed diesel has been increased by Rs 5.65 per liter. Similarly, the price of kerosene at Rs 5.38 and light diesel oil has been increased by Rs 8.9 per liter. Earlier, the regulatory authority presented a summary to the government, in which petroleum prices were calculated based on high sales tax and petroleum levy.

According to an official, the value of crude in the Arabian Gulf has dropped by more than 12 percent. Crude was priced at $ 63 a barrel on 30th July in the Arabian Gulf, while its price was $ 72 a barrel on 28th April. But, the government is constantly increasing taxes.



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