Chakma tribals observe ‘Black Day’

The Chakma tribals on Saturday observed a “Black Day” to protest the non-inclusion of non-Muslim dominated CHT in India during the partition in 1947. The Chakma National Council of India (CNCI) is spearheading the agitation in four northeastern states — Tripura, Mizoram, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh — where approximately four lakh Chakma tribals, mostly Buddhist, have been living for decades.
To observe the “Black Day“, the tribals held rallies, seminar, demonstrations and other events. He said that despite huge protests and ignoring the repeated appeals of the Chakma people, the Bengal Boundary Commission headed by British lawyer Cyril John Radcliffe announced the inclusion of 98.5 per cent non-Muslim dominated CHT with the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).