Kiran gajera A Proud of Daughter of patel Community Gujarat , Gujarati Folk Singer

Kiran gajera A Proud of Daughter of patel Community Gujarat , Gujarati Folk Singer
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Kiran gajera, a passionate folk singer We’veseen a lot of people who just run after jobs and most of the people even don’t knowwhat they want to do in life. However, some people are also very passionate andactive in making their dreams come true. One such person is kiran gajera who wants to keep traditional folk musicand singing alive. Earlier she was going to sing in the chorus, but in the lastfive years with hard work she has gained recognition as a solo folk singer.kiran gajera , B.A Graduate, says that when my mother usedto play Garbi and that time I also went to sing with her.

Along with the job, I was pursuingmy hobby as a folk singer, but as the program ran late into the night I hadto go straight to work in the morning. Then I decided to quit at one point. Asexpected my family members also supported me and today the result is before youIt may be mentioned that kiran gajera, who has a hobbyof riding bullets, has done 1000 programs without charging a single rupee. Moreover she performed on stagefor 60 consecutivehours in a program organization at hiit cyber cafe & studio ptan. She is a proud daughter of patel Community.

Report : Alpesh Chaudhary (Dheriyana Vav) IMG-20201013-WA0018-1.jpg IMG-20201013-WA0019-0.jpg


Alpesh Chaudhary

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